Sunday, November 2, 2008

Blessings Blessings Blessings!

Today was a very special day. My very good friends Nikki and Mike had their baby girl Kamry Nikki Duff blessed today. I'm very glad I was able to go. After her blessing I drove to Nephi to receive my Patriarchal Blessing. It was absolutely amazing! It was very awesome. I've never felt the spirit so strong!Today has been a very good day!


Kam and Jodie said...

Keisha, no worries! You were where you needed to be. We will see each other someday :) Nikki's Baby is Beautiful. And your hair does look cute short, but you would look good either way. I am diggin the blonde too.

Michael & Nikki said...

Keish, Thank you so so so so much for coming and spending that very special day with us. It ment SO much!! Call me crazy but I got a little teary eyed reading your blog.? emotional maybe? haha. but you are truly amazing and I'm so lucky to have you as my friend!! I Love you so much!!

matesen said...

I just found your blog today! I am happy that we can keep in touch while you are so far away! You are the best and make me laugh so much! Hope you are doing well!