Saturday, June 18, 2011

First Lake Trip Of The SUmMeR!!

We have some CRAZY daring guys in our family... They make me so nervous. My dear husband has no fear. This is where Connly gets it. The other boys are fearless to!Perfect. Us girls are telling them not to do it and they don't listen. They all jumped of a 80 foot or higher cliff! Made my stomach sick. If you want to see a video go to Karol's blog. Yuba was SO full there were no beaches. I'm not kidding it was crazy it hasn't been this full since 1986! It turned out to be fun day at the lake! The lake is one of our very favorite places to be. The Cliffs that the guys were jumping off got higher and higher as they got more daring and more daring. We had to keep reminding them they are daddy's and a future daddy.




Seriously look how high the cliff is in the picture below!! Dad is so mad at himself for forgetting to put his arms straight down on his last jump...they smacked so hard against the water:( His one shoulder was pretty sore. The next day for church my mom had to help him get his suit coat on for church and help him do his hair. He's Dad though and wont tell ya its bothering him you can just tell. Its getting better but still a little sore. The boat rocked him right to sleep:)
Swim Grandpa Swim!
Jord scarying the

Cutest flag boy around!

Where would you like to go?...I'll drive!

1 comment:

Hollie said...

I love the lake and miss it sooooo much! Looks like a blast!