Saturday, November 7, 2009

WIDE awake @ 3:00 a.m.???

Yes I am.
I've been up since 3:00a.m. it is now 5:15a.m. Why am I awake??? I got up for one of my many nightly visits to the bathroom and couldn't fall back to sleep. I decided after laying in bed for an hour that maybe if Paul tickled my back it would help me fall back to sleep but that didn't work...I'm WIDE awake.We were going and going yesterday and I was so tired and excited to go to bed at 11:30 last night. Connolly had other things in mind like rolling around, kicking my ribs and poking my bladder. So I'll blog about how blessed I am:) It is November...Tis the season to be Grateful!

I'm so blessed to be born into the true church. To know that my Heavenly Father knows who I am and loves me no matter what. He never gives up on me. I know that I knelt at his feet before I came to earth. He has a plan for me. Sometimes I start to doubt myself becoming a mom but I know my Heavenly Father believes in me. Just knowing he is only a prayer away gives me so much peace. I know he listens to my prayers. I know I can one day return to him.

My handsome husband. How we found each other is still amazing to me. I followed my heart. For a couple of years I wondered where the heck my prince charming was! He was on his mission!! Good place to be huh:) I didn't give up and settle. I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father for helping me through good and hard times that lead me to Paul. He was and is a anwser to my prayers.I can't explain how much I love him. He is an Amazing guy with the biggest heart. I never knew someone could love me the way he does. He is always here for me. Very hard worker! In my eyes there is nothing he can't do.The love that he already has for Connolly is so cute to me. I love you Paul Matthew!:) You never cease to amaze me!

My baby boy! What a blessed girl I am...To be able to be carrying my tiny baby around with me everywhere I go. I heard his precious heartbeat again yesterday its so reassuring to hear. He's healthy and kicking like crazy. I think we are in for it...He is a very active boy:) Every day I thank Heavenly Father for the chance I have to be a mom!

Family...I am who I am today because of the AMAZING family I have. A lot of things will change but we start and end with family:) My family helps me in so many ways. Their examples, their faith, their love. I can't thank them enough for what they do for Paul and me. I love the crazy people we are. There hardly ever is a dull moment. I love it! There is no place like Home!

Friends... We have great friends that I know would do anything to help us. I know Heavenly Father puts people in your life for a lot of reasons. I know no matter where life takes us we will always be so close to the friends we have.

Jobs. I'm so grateful that Paul has a job.. He has met a lot great guys at work that he looks up to a lot. I'm so grateful that I have a job and for the people I meet and become so close with through my job.

There are SO many things I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for I could go on for days but I think I'm finally getting tired so maybe I'll try to sleep for an hour and then head to Nephi for pictures...Hopefully I don't look too tired in the pictures;)

We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count.


Cade+Sierra+Averlin said...

you are so cute keisha! I am so excited for you to have a baby. He is gonna be so darn cute.
Congrats and you are one amazing girl!!!

Malaree said...

welcome to the joys of pregnancy... not sleeping! sorry. it sucks. on a more positive note you are so incredible. i look up to you so much for your strength and faith. love you :)

Connie said...

Precious post Keisha! Can't wait to meet this little Connolly fellow.

Jason and Joanna said...

I totally know how you feel!!! I have found a way to get myself to sleep when that happens though- I'll have to talk with you about that later. Anyway, that was a good post, and it's a good time to reflect on the things that you are blessed with!

Good luck with your pictures, and that is going to be a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

So your last 2 posts have made me cry!??? Im a baby and you are so cute! Love you Keish!

Vance Family of 5 said...

Oh Keisha! You are gonna be such a great mom! I feel for you with the sleep thing... but it will end I promise! And it will be totally worth it!

julee said...

come on paul-- why didn't you want to go to wal mart? haha! that was so funny. :)

Michael & Nikki said...

I just love all of your posts.. they really make me think, and I appreciate that!! You such an amazing person, and I sure look up to you alot!! LOVE YOU!!!