5 years ago
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
2 months!
Baby girl is 2 months already!! Its not fair how fast time goes! Our little lady is the sweetest baby girl around. She just hangs out and is so content and whens she's hungry and tired she will let you know! She is starting to like the car seat more which has been nice since the first month of her life she wasn't a fan. She's got the cutest smile that reminds me so much of Connly's when he was tiny. When she smiles she coos and tells stories. When you hold her she stares right at you and I've had a few people say its like she's looking right into your soul haha I LOVE it!
I love her! She's now 11.3 pounds(57%) and 23 inches tall(72%). She's got the cutest little rolls on her legs now and her round cheeks are the cutest!! She's still got blue eyes like Connly did and I'm sure they will turn brown with time like Connly's did but I would totally be ok with blue eyes too! Her tear ducts are narrow like Connly's were and so when she wakes up in the morning and after naps we have to clean out the goo from her eyes but we talked the doctor into giving her the drops that Connly got for his and its got so much better! Speaking of sleeping! Baby girl you have figured out that sleeping through the night is awesome for everyone involved;) She sleeps from 10- 7! Awww its been so nice. That first month kicked my butt so thank you Ellie girl! She goes down great for her naps during the day. She still likes bath time she seems so relaxed and I feel bad when we have to take her out it shocks her every time but if you get her in a towel real quick she doesn't make a peep. She loves watching Connly run around and is so patient when he gets too close to her face when he wants to talk to her. She's a little kicker. She likes Tummy time and usually falls asleep from working so hard to keep her head up. I love when I'm driving and I can hear her smacking her lips or sucking on her hand and Connly singing his ABC's(sometimes his own version) or any of his favorite songs. I hope these two are always the best of friends! I'm so glad I had them close together. We're SO in love with you baby girl and we LOVE having your sweet little spirit in our home.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Fun pictures from my phone...
Playing with Kennedy:) Keena and her cute family moved back to Utah! We're excited for many more play dates:)
Cute little friends!
Nap time with Daddy.
We went down to Nephi and had a "party" for Grandpa Teds birthday. We took his favorite cookies down to grandma Donna and she came up to his grave to put our balloons there. We miss him very much!
Three Weeks:)
How cute are these matching toms for Ellie and me! Claire brought these to us at the hospital and I'm SO in love. SO cute!! She's way too nice and I was upset with how much she spent on us! Both Ellie and mines first toms and I'm a fan!! Thanks for spoiling us Claire...Can't wait to spoil Peter in 5 weeks!! YAY! While I was taking this picture Connly needed his shoes in the picture haha
We went over to Landon and Merideths house to have pizza and cupcakes. Luke was born the day after Ellie. Our due dates were both on the same day! We're sad they don't live just right across from us anymore! Luke is a miracle baby to and oh so cute!!
I love to watch her sleep...
One month and ready for nap time! I never remembered to take another one with my camera so this is all I have.
Playing at the Nephi Park
He played so hard all day long in Nephi and was out in two seconds after getting on the freeway.
Daddy came out to carry him inside:)
Riding the St. george Carousel
Ellie waiting patiently...she hated the car seat but is now decided it might not be that bad...maybe cause its looks like a boys car seat??;)
Going for a walk around grandma Judy's block
This the street Paul grew up on and his friends house in the background.

Connly loves having a seat in his truck to "read" his books or just pushing his self around in it!

Monday, April 16, 2012
Big Brother.

Sand Dunes Easter Weekend 2012
weather in Utah is CRAZY! One day snowing the next day nice and hot!? Paul got off work early Friday to head down to go camping. It was pouring snow that morning we woke up a little shocked(not sure why were were shocked it happens all the time lol) but we headed down anyway! My mom decided it would be best to keep the babies out of the cold so us girls stayed in Nephi and had a girls night while the guys braved the cold and went out slept in the trailer. We had a fun time and laughed a lot. I wanted to choke someone when we got to Nephi and we blame that on the birth control;) Everything was blamed on the birth control that night. We watched two movies and had reeds to eat for dinner and ice cream. Saturday bright early we headed out to make the boys breakfast! It was a little cold and windy but crazy enough it turned out to be a perfect day and All the babies Ellie, Presley, Jett, Brogan, Jada, Ava(I forgot to get a picture of all of them) got to go outside and enjoys the weather! Crazy that my grandma Donna and grandpa ted will have I think 9 new grand babies in a years time. 2 boys and 7 girls? Something crazy like that!! AWWW babies!! Only 13 more weeks til Jordan and Karols little man will be here! We're all so excited. Also if your reading this will you pray that Mike gets a YES to Byu or UTAH....or even Nevada or Wyoming!?! I'm starting to get anxiety about them moving clear across the united states. 'm getting side tracked back to Easter... It was such a fun time!! Connly was IN HEAVEN. This little boy is all about motorcycles and 4wheelers and Trucks! I think we're still cleaning sand out his ears and every where else. He wasn't about to stop playing cause that might mean he might have to go for a nap.
Connly taking Ashlyn for a little ride:)
Easter Egg hunt time! Connly took off running but didn't stop to pick up any eggs lol I think he got a total of 3 eggs and he was a happy camper. Look at all these cute kids!
Aunt Kristi was at the camp next to us and she came over to visit and hold the babies!:) She fed Ellie while Connly did the egg hunt.

Jos with her four kids!;)
I love these girls right her so much!!
Look how grown up Av is getting!! SLOW DOWN its scary me!!
The parents!! Thanks for letting us all use your trailer(one day we'll all have our own) but they're so good to share with us all:)

Lots of playing in the sand! Ashlyn and Connly having fun...
I looked over and Connly was laying in the sand with his hand on the truck but he wasn't moving so after a minute of watching him I walked over he was starting to fall asleep in the sand but he caught me taking a picture dang it!
This little guy could ride all day! He goes from one bike to the next!
The cutest boys I know:)
There was a note on the back door to my parents house from Jordan and Karol saying there was a surprise for the kids in the shed! All the adults got sick. What animal did they find on the side of the road and bring home again;) They surprised the kids with chicks!! All the kids were nuts about them. Thanks Karol and Jordan!!!
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