Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend!!

Another fun Easter weekend at the sand dunes!! The weather turned out not so bad and Connly and me actually were able to come out of the trailer this year!!(last year it was cold and windy and Connly was too little to be out in the cold) So we had a BLAST this year. Connly loved all the four wheelers and sat on each one of them about 102 times. He didn't mind wearing a Helmet which was a plus. He loved going for rides and talked and made the 4wheeler sounds the whole time. Hopefully next year we can have enough money saved up to get us a four wheeler. Thanks to my dad for letting us take his! We were out there Friday and Saturday. Grandpa and Avia were digging for treasure and Grandpa had a fun idea to put the kids in the hole and cover their feet:) They thought that was just great! going for a ride madix in the blue and connly is in avia's cute pink helmet!
cutest little girls around!

Oh PEANUT! i love you. isn't he the cutest?!

Karol's FIRST time out to the dunes!! I think other than Jordan giving her heart attacks with his crazy riding and having her go around a bowl by herself she had a fun time!!;)

We colored some eggs...

I was taking some pictures of Connly on one of the kids 4wheeler and this is what he does...great. He is only ONE!! No fear already.

Josie and her family planned a surprise 50Th birthday party for Ann!

Saturday we had another Easter egg hunt for all the little kids...they had a ton of fun!

Then Grandma decides to get on Jordan's bike...

He is still a kid at heart! He was giving my mom a heart attack!

Him and Jordan both!

My cute boys watching all the jumping going on!

gotta love these two wild love birds:)

Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Jones:)

Grandpa got in trouble....

Connly was ready to ROLL some eggs.


Malaree said...

Looks like you guys had fun. That picture of Lori scolding Gary is hilarious! Gary's face in the picture... I died. That is too funny! Marlin also got in trouble at our Easter egg hunt for stealing the kids' M&M's. SOOO funny!

Anonymous said...

I did a little switcharoo... I went to st. george. I was thinkin about you while I was down there. Even though ya don't live there no more. We usually go to the dunes though. I went to see russell g cause he's flying helicopters down there. anywho, I hope you had fun. Your family just keeps getting cuter and cuter. You look really good by the way. I wish you could come to my shower this weekend. I miss ya.

Unknown said...

FUN pics! we miss you guys living down here but I also am jealous that you live by your mom... that would be so great!