Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Connly's 2nd week...

All his mittens were dirty this day so I put socks on his hands and they actually stay on better look a little funny but we can't be letting him scratch his face right?:)

He LOVES bath time.

Stretching out his long legs:)

Paul took the week off of work to be with Connly and me. We had some good family time. I love my boys so much! These pictures are not in the order we are having computer problems at our house my laptop has a virus and Paul's computer is extra slow and it wont let me move the pictures.

We went to Nephi for the weekend this is me and Connly boy hanging out while everyone was at church.
5 generation picture.
Great grandma fay, Grandma Donna, My dad, Me and Connly.
My grandma fay is 93 I really think she might live to be 100. She isn't able to get out a whole lot but she is still getting around her house and she still knows whats going on. We love her so much.
Grandma Shirley came to meet Connly while we were in town.
Earlier in the week before we went to Nephi Hollie and Jaxon came to meet Connly:) Jaxon is a cutie!
Connly loves to be bounced on the ball!
I get to spend every minute of every day with our cute little man and I love every minute of it! I feel so blessed. I can't get enough of him. I love kissing his chubby cheeks(he got the chubby cheeks from me). I love just looking into his eyes and talking to him. I love his gas smiles. I love his cry its a cute cry(except when he is REAL mad that ones a sad one)I love his faces he pulls. I really just love everything about him. I love that I get the chance to be his mom. There really is nothing better than being a mom.

We found out at Connly's two week appointment that he had lost more weight(He lost 10oz at his first appointment and they say that is normal at the 5 day appointment but he should of been gaining that back by his 2 week appointment. He had lost too much weight and Dr Thompson was worried about him so they wanted me to feed him formula and to go home and pump to see how much milk I could pump out. I went home and pumped and got 1 ounce in about 45 min. our poor little guy wasn't getting enough to eat. I know now that's why he was screaming mad for about a couple days straight during his second week. They had us come back to check his weight two days later and he had gained some weight back so he is doing better now! We are now just feeding him formula which made me really sad because he latched on so good from day one and I really wanted to breastfeed but I didn't have enough milk to give him. He is lots happier with food in his tummy. I'm very happy that he is getting enough now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! and you are right you do take alot of pictures!!! but so do I!!! its a good thing, you will be glad you did!