We had Connly's birthday party Saturday. I got sick with a cold the day before and I wouldn't have been able to throw Connly such a fun party without the help of family! We had Pizza, smacked around the pinata, had cupcakes and ice cream then opened presents! Connly is one SPOILED boy! He loved all of his presents! Best part about his birthday party is that ALL his grandparents were there!! Paul's mom was able to come up from St. George and his Dad was in town this weekend so he was able to come so it worked out perfect! I wasn't fully there and totally forgot to give him his "big" gift...his bike! Forgot we put it in my parents closet so Connly wouldn't find it and after most everyone was gone a few of us were talking and my mom says did you give him his bike? and we all busted up! Seriously who forgets to give the birthday boy his most favorite gift!?! Dang it! Sorry little buddy! We went and pulled it out and he was SO excited about his big boy bike!! Thanks to everyone that made it! Its means the world to us!

(i look like a drowned rat yuck. hopefully I didn't get anyone sick)

Holy cow. My BABY is Two!? We've been busy today! Played at McDonald's for almost three hours. He LOVES it and doesn't ever want to leave. We discovered that the Provo McDonald's by the mall is cleaner and has lots of fun things last week so today he was more than happy when we pulled in to go "play". Since its his big day we stayed a extra long time haha. Papa and Grandma stopped by to see you while we were there. We then headed over to daddy's work to visit and of course dad had to get you out and let ya run around some more and shoot hoops! Dad is so proud of you and was telling everyone at work that it was your birthday and you would say you were TWO and hold up five fingers. Mom loves to watch you and dad run around together and laugh(dad is still a little boy at heart). While I was watching you two play I couldn't help but smile and think of this day two years ago. When our 8 pound 10 ounce little tiny boy after over 20 hours finally was in our arms! How proud we were that you were all ours and how perfect our baby was! I'll always remember that while I was getting taken care of your daddy never left your side and how proud he was with tears in his eyes and the biggest smile on his face! There is just nothing like bringing your baby into this world! Today we're even more proud of the boy you are and we still think your perfect in every single way! Mom has loved having her little buddy everywhere she goes. Of course there are the days that you take the house apart and know how to push mommy's buttons but there are WAY more days that I wouldn't trade for the whole world. I love that I get to be home with you and watch you grow and learn new things. You're personality is one of a kind! You keep us laughing and on our toes ALL the time. You don't stop for nothing you are on the GO! You love papa's trucks and have to go for rides in each one. You love to "shoot" with dad(shoot the basketball). You loved motorcyles and 4wheelers. You love to jump on your new big boy bed and the couches( mommy fears for your life and doesn't like when you jump on your bed and the couches) You have no fear. You're far from shy. You will not smile very often for pictures even tho you are a smiley kid! You have the biggest heart. You get sad if you see babies cry and when you've seen me cry you ask "you k?" and give me kisses. You love that you get "treat" after you go potty! I know that sometimes you go in there and get the tiniest drop out just so you can have a treat! You love to play with other kids especially all your cousins. You love to follow Avia around at grandma's. You still LOVE grean beans. You ask for "green bean" at almost every meal. Pizza would have to be your favorite meal! If you hear anything about pizza you say "I pizza". You call every dog Kui(grandpa's dog). You ask all day where daddy and papa are:) You get over excited when you hear dad's keys opening the door. You still wont watch Tv(too busy). If I'm up and doing stuff you like to tell me to "seat" (to have a seat). You still take a nap. You love bath time. You also love running away from mom... I think just to watch me chase you. You repeat everything we say. You love your "bang" (your play gun). You love to put on dad or moms shoes and tell us bye bye and head to the door. You love to "read" books. When we're driving in the car you like to point out all the trucks and lights. Your into having a kiss you better if you get hurt. You love going to nursery and when we pull into church you always say "church" real loud. When you wake up in the morning you yell mama, mom, mommy, daddy, avia, or papa. When I answer back you say "need out". Those are just a few things that are on top of my head that you do and like! Mommy loves you to the moon and back baby boy! I hope you always know how much you mean to me. Thanks for making me a mommy and teaching me so much about life! Love you Connly boy! Happy 2nd Birthday!!

Connly, You have been a real inspiration in my life for the past two years. You give me alot of movitivation to come home after work and school. Sometimes I don't feel like doing homework and just neglect it because i want to come home to hang out with you and mom! Some of the things that i love and remember most about you over the past year are: DANCING! you really are the king of dancing!, if music comes on you are boppin your head or shakin your hips, you are fascinated by dogs but take a while to warm up to them and get close enough to pet them (you don't ever pet them, but you do get close), you have learned so many new words and one of the funniest ones is "doughnut", papa Jones always takes the grandkids to the store to get doughnuts on saturday mornings when we are in nephi. Mom bought me season tickets to watch BYU basketball games and when you come with me you love to say "shoot" to have the players shoot the ball. The words you say are funny because of the way that you say them and the way your lips are shaped when you say them... at the basketball games i ask you to say "go cougars!" and you repeat it and it makes me laugh so hard. I gave you a new nickname that your mom doesnt really love it is "sass master", but i don't mean this in a negative way... i just think that you love to sass mom and i in your own little two year old way and it is actually quite hilarious to me!!! I am so proud that i taught you the word "Jesus" and where the picture of Jesus is on our fridge. I love when mom and i say its time to have a prayer and you walk to the couch, fold your arms and bow your head... you are a quick learner! You love to ride on four wheelers, shoot guns, shoot hoops, kick balls, jump on the trampoline, go for rides in papa's truck, you love to help with whatever mom and i are doing (example: dishes, hanging pictures on walls, fixing things around the house, doing laundry & painting with mom). Connly, you are such and handsome boy and I am so proud you came to mom and I. I am so proud of you, of all the people or subjects i could have picked to do a speech in my "public speaking" class, i picked you! I cant help but tell anyone and everyone who will listen all about my boy! We are thankful to have such a good boy to be the oldest in the family and to be a good example to the younger "future" children. I love you Connly and wish you a Happy 2nd Birthday! Love Dad