Connly is 2 1/2 years old really!?? Please slow down time! Here are a few things about my little man ....
He's a pro at riding his bike, you love to scare mommy by riding really fast and you sometimes forget to look where your going and turn really quick to miss parked cars and other things some how you don't wreck! Moms heart jumps out of her chest everytime! I tell you to go slow and you look at me with a silly grin and ask FASTER mommy? and I so NOOOO and you laugh. Moms in trouble.
You are FEARLESS anyone that knows you knows this about you.
You are 100% boy. You love to be messy, play with bugs, mud.
You say that funniest things...There are horses right across the street from our house and you always count how many you see and usually you say "two one two one hersy's!" "Look mom BIG hersys!" Lub you mommy. You say "oh" after everything I say to you.
You are garbage dispolele. You eat and eat and eat. You help yourself to the fridge now...that is always scary. You should be a chubby little man by the way you eat but your not. It goes to your cheeks and you run the rest off.
I love it at the end of the day and were done reading bed time stories and saying prayers you say "lub you mama" You love to say prayers and if your not the one saying it you wisper along with them at church any where. Its pretty funny.
You are ALWAYS on the go. Running. You still like to run away from mom in moments you know your not supposed to.
You are the best big brother around. You are so good with Ellie. Sometimes you love and kiss on her too much but she doesn't mind mom just gets nervous sometimes. Her hair is always wet from all your good kisses.
Your two year molars just came through slowly but they are through and boy they were painful for you. I can tell when they are hurting you but the best part now is that you can tell me whats hurts.
You have a few things you like to say to try to get out of going to bed or something you don't want to do." Mommy I don't feeel good" "I need to hold you mommy" "I need daddy" "I need mommy"
You still love going in papas truck and his boat.
If your upset or in a hurry to tell me or your dad something you mix mommy and daddy together and say moddy or damy. We get a good laugh.
You are always making us laugh.
After you tell us stuff you end it with Ok? or K?
If you ask for a treat and I say no you say Later mom Ok?
You are the most handsome 2 year old I know and I love you very much Connly. Please slow down!
Ellie your 5 months!
Feels like we just brought you home! We are so in love with you and your cute personality! You've been a rolling machine and have now started to army crawl! I looked down a week or so ago and there you go! Your always following us around the house and mostly follow Connly around. You love to blow bubbles and we think its the funniest thing(you really get into it). You have the biggest smile and the cutest laugh. You love when your brother talks to you and makes you laugh. You lay one your belly and put your legs and arms out and it looks like your going to fly away. You are such an easy going baby. Its a good thing cause your brother takes up for 3 kids;) He's always loving on you and you don't even care. Your a great sleeper you go down for your naps great. I put you down when Connly goes down at night around 8 and wake you up to feed you one last time at 10 and put you right back down and you sleep til 7 or 8 the next morning. When daddy comes home from work you spot him and have the biggest grin on your face and start kicking your legs. When we go in to get you from naps or in the morning you are always so happy and kicking those legs like no ones business. I think you are going to be just as busy as your big brother! You have the chubbiest cheeks that we cant get enough of and the longest fingers and toes. Your hair is starting to come back. I gave you a hair cut when things started to get out of hand. You had a long mullet and long on time and bold spot in the back. So we trimmed you all the same length. You still love the bath and get those legs kicking fast getting the whole bathroom wet. Your the prettiest little lady there is and we don't remember life without you and we're so in love with you baby girl!!
5 years ago
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